
Message from the Director General
Dear valued Visitors, Welcome to the website of the Ethiopian Communications Authority (ECA), the communications service regulatory authority established through the Communications Service Proclamation No. 1148/2019 published on August 12, 2019. I have the pleasure and honored to lead the newly established ECA as the first Director General in this exciting period for our country: the opening of the telecommunications market. This process will transform the lives of our people and we wish to develop an efficient regulatory framework that will benefit end-users and attract innovative and competitive players of Telecommunications sector.
As a Regulatory Authority with mandates to lead efforts in guiding the communications sector activities in Ethiopia, the Ethiopian Communications Authority views that it is extremely important that it makes itself accessible to all interested parties in real time.
This website aims at providing to all stakeholders – consumers, telecommunications operators or an interested third-party – relevant and up-to-date information on the mission and activities of the ECA; news about the telecommunication industry; stakeholder consultations regarding new regulatory directives; and publications of enforced directives.
I encourage you to go through the site to learn more about ECA. I hope you find our website useful in understanding ECA, our work, and our impact in Ethiopia to transparently and efficiently regulate the communications sector and ensure fair competitive practices by all communications service providers to promote accessibility and protect the interests of consumers while maintaining high-quality communications services at affordable prices. I wish to thank you on behalf of the ECA and myself, for your visit to our website.
Eng. Balcha Reba
Director General
Our Vision
Realizing a digitally competitive and innovative Ethiopia.
Our Mission
To transparently and efficiently regulate the communications sector in Ethiopia and ensure fair competitive practices by all communications service providers to promote accessibility and protect the interests of consumers, while maintaining high-quality communications services at affordable prices.
Our Values
- Independence: To fairly regulate all service providers without external influence.
- Integrity: To our principles and to the People of Ethiopia.
- Innovation: To promote creativity.
- Lead the Way: With the ultimate goal to connect everyone and support others who are willing to unleash our nation’s unbound communications potential, we are taking the lead to start something new to Ethiopia, in an effort to change things for the betterment of our country.
- Public Stewardship: The ECA has been given a tremendous responsibility to be stewards of the public trust, The ECA has been given a tremendous responsibility to be stewards of the public trust, by working to transform the communications sphere within Ethiopia, as well as being the architect of bold ideas.
- Make an Impact: When every action – big or small – can make an impact, every action contributes to building a nation that is a powerbroker. The ECA is committed to making impactful decisions for the betterment of the Ethiopian society and the continent at large.
- Selfless Approach: Almost all of ECA’s mandate and its work requires collaboration with others within our nation, across various sectors, and with our stakeholders; when we win, we win together. The ECA’s vision in this regard resembles that of our nation: “Ethiopia, the ‘New Horizon of Hope.”
- Caring for the Success of All: We have a genuine commitment to the success of each partner, company, operator, our leadership, stakeholders, our communities and most importantly, our country.
The Authority’s powers and duties include, but are not limited, to:
- Issuing licenses in the communications industry, including telecommunications, postal, and courier services, and supervision of communications service operators;
- Specifying technical standards for the provision of communications services;
- Regulating tariffs related to communications services;
- Regulating types of telecommunications equipment that may be connected to a telecommunications network;
- Managing the use of the radio frequency spectrum in Ethiopia;
- Safeguarding the interests of communications services consumers;
- Selfless Approach: Almost all of ECA’s mandate and its work requires collaboration with others within our nation, across various sectors, and with our stakeholders; when we win, we win together. The ECA’s vision in this regard resembles that of our nation: “Ethiopia, the ‘New Horizon of Hope.”
- Promoting information security, data privacy and protection; and
Monitoring activities of licensees to ensure that communications services conform to the specified standards of quality, and enforce compliance with the license terms and conditions, including regulatory laws, regulations and directives.
Board Members
Dr. Abraham Belay, Minister of Defense
Dr. Shumete Gizaw,
Ms. Lelise Neme, Commisioner, Ethiopian Investment Commission

Ms. Kidist Zegeye

Mr. Abebe Abebayehu
Mr. Eyobed Tibebu
Dr. Ahmed Hussien